Coffee Mornings

We hold coffee mornings for people to meet and chat on the second and fourth Thursdays (see dates below) of every month in the Village Hall between 10 and 11.30 am.  These are very relaxed, enjoyable affairs where you can meet new people and old friends.

There is a small charge of 50p for tea, coffee or hot chocolate and biscuits and 50p for a buttered toasted teacake.

Apart from the obvious supplies of tea and coffee, we hold a raffle (tickets are 50p/strip) or possibly play a game of Hoy or maybe Bingo.

You can also browse the “free” library, where there is a large choice of books and puzzles.  All donations received from this are for our chosen charity for 2024 – The Apuldram Centre.

Coffee Mornings will be held on the following dates in 2024;
July                 25
August            8, 22
September     12, 26
October.         10, 24
November      14, 28

** Donate to our Macmillan Coffee Morning JustGiving page by clicking this link

Apart from the enjoyment you will get from this relaxed meeting place, you can also know that you are helping to support and maintain the minibus.

Our Coffee Mornings are open to all, please come and join us at the Village Hall and have a very enjoyable time.

If you would like any more information please contact Rita Woodgate on 262814.

We run a minibus service to the coffee mornings for members.  If you have difficulty walking and would like to use this service, please contact John on 268768.   We request a £2 donation for using this service to assist in the running and upkeep of the minibus.